Just Did It.

“Just Did It” is a series of conceptual ads that originally flamed from an idea based on two simple things, my love for soccer and my mentality on life. As a way of integrating the two, I created some mock-ads that contain straight-forward, bold visuals and concise, clear-cut text. Interestingly, the visual of a “wet/ dripping” soccer ball came into mind first (as seen in the third ad) but I didn’t exactly know why or how to execute this vague idea. The idea seemed visually interesting in my head, however, I wasn’t pinpointing the “purpose” of the visual. It wasn’t until I physically grabbed a soccer ball from my backyard and messed around with some iPhone photos that I had my “aha” moment. After igniting a sense of direction for the project, I collected the necessary materials needed and rented a studio to photograph my props.

In actuality, the ball photographed isn’t nearly as scuffed or “beat up” looking in person. It has a few faint marks but the pronounced “worn/ used” appearance was created digitally in Photoshop. I needed to over-exaggerate this feature to create a stronger visual that goes with the main tagline. As far as the other aesthetic elements, I wanted to keep everything more on the simplistic side. I photographed other versions in which the ball was along side a pair of used cleats, cones, etc., but the strongest finals possessed a more minimal direction. As far as text, I went with a font called “Palatino”, seen in vintage Nike ads and “Futura Bold Condensed”, commonly seen in their “Just Do It” taglines.



